Why NU?
We Don't Use Knock-offs.
We only use proven, name brand, ADA and FDA-approved materials for our patients, to ensure the the greatest results while maintaining the high standard of quality and safety our patients deserve. Be aware that many offices will use generic/knock-off brand materials to reduce costs and try to pass them off as "proprietary gels" (but they will never tell you that!).
We are also proud to be part of just 10% of offices who use the newest and most effective method of in-office teeth whitening called, "Opalescence Boost." More info here
We Specialize in Teeth Whitening.
Being specialists means that we guarantee to provide our patients with the highest quality and more effective whitening treatment for them and that means using the best products that yield you the best results possible with today's best performing whitening solution. At Nu, all of our focus and energy is on offering the most effective, and long lasting results to keep our patients happy.
When Our Clients Are Happy, We're Happy.
On Average, 100 Million people take advantage of teeth whitening treatments every year. If you want results, however, the type of treatment you get is very important. Many of our patients come to us after getting disappointing results elsewhere, or they have been using strips for a long time without getting the results they want. Here at Nu, we specialize in Boost Teeth Whitening, a treatment that is proven to be the most effective treatment for teeth whitening. This method involves NO harmful or uncomfortable UV lights, takes only an hour, and is totally painless.
These are the top 7 reasons to get your teeth whitened:
1. Discoloration
Teeth whitening can offset tooth discoloration due to plaque, tartar or other oral health concerns.
2. Special Occasions
Teeth whitening is a great way to ensure that your smile looks bright and healthy for an upcoming special occasion. Whether it’s your wedding, anniversary, birthday, or graduation—it can help you look your best.
3. Job Interviews
Your smile can have a huge effect on your next job interview. Smiling has a lot of benefits during an interview. Having a bright, healthy smile can help you portray confidence, energy and enthusiasm. To learn more about how to be successful with the use of your smile.
4. Effects of Aging
Tooth enamel may get worn down as a normal part of aging, making it easier for tooth discoloration or oral health problems to occur. Teeth whitening is a great way to offset the effects of aging in order to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. To learn more about the effects aging can have on your oral health
5. Effects of Smoking
Smoking can damage your teeth, leading to a higher risk of developing oral health problems such as more build-up of plaque and bacteria on your teeth and/or tooth discoloration. Teeth whitening can help target the tooth discolouration caused by smoking and help you have a whiter, healthier smile. To learn more about the effects of smoking on your oral health.
6. Boost Self-Confidence
Your smile plays an important part in your confidence. Teeth whitening can boost your smile and give your self-confidence a bit of a boost as well.
7. Dietary Choices
If you have a diet that involves a lot of coffee, tea, or wine for example, your teeth may have been stained over the years. Teeth whitening can counter stains from certain foods and help keep your smile bright. To learn more about how food can stain your teeth.